Split Jerks, Handstand Push-ups, and Box Jumps

Crossfit has you do some weird things sometimes. The weirdest of which is the handstand push-up. While I'm not quite sure of the utility of the HSPU, I still work on them. Right now, I'm just doing negatives and working on building up the strength. I've read quite a few articles on the dangers of the kipping HSPU, so I have decided against doing those. However, it seems worth it to try to get the strict strength portion, so I'm still working on that. Speaking of strength...

Yesterday, I PR'd my split jerk by 10lbs, coming up to an even 100lbs. I felt like I could've gone a bit higher, but I'm still happy that I kept good form. Plus, after that, we had "Death by Box Jumps". That... surprised me. It was 15 minutes, minute 1 with 1 box jump, minute 2 with 2 and so on on a 24" box. At minute 10, I did 10 in under 20 seconds no problem, but apparently minute 11 got in my head and I tripped up a bit. I was able to pull it together for rounds 14 and 15, but my last round took 45 seconds, which was a bit longer than I had hoped. Since I was able to finish all rounds, I guess I can't be too hard on myself.